Paradise Knoll principal gets creamed

| 30 Sep 2011 | 09:43

Oak Ridge — Students of Paradise Knoll School in Oak Ridge gathered at the site of their future outdoor classroom to watch their principal, Dr. Stephen Wisniewski, get creamed-whipped cream that is. Third grade students in Sharon Jensen’s class raised the most money, $334, for the Pie the Principal fundraiser, which earned them the honor of throwing a chocolate cream pie at their fearless leader. First to “pie” Wisniewski was their teacher, Sharon Jensen. Jensen planted a pie atop Wisniewski’s head. Lucky for Jensen, Wisniewski said teacher evaluations were already complete prior to the pie event. Wisniewski said he tried to bargain with the winning class all day-including bribing them with two months time off of school-starting July 1st- if they agreed not to pie him. The kids didn’t fall for it. “It was a fun day,” Wisniewski said, and was happy it turned out well. The students from PK raised a total of $2,442 for the new outdoor classroom, an Eagle Scout project conceived by John Borelli, a former Paradise Knoll student himself. Borelli plans to complete the project this summer. Now Wisniewski said he is coming up with ideas for next year for a reading incentive program, one of which may include something with a blue Mohawk. Stay tuned West Milford!