Cardinals win championship

| 02 Jul 2023 | 12:48

The undefeated Cardinals won the championship in the Major League Division of the West Milford Little League last month.

Because the Cardinals were the top seed in their division with a 14-0 record, they earned a bye for the first round of playoffs. In the semifinals June 12, they beat the Pirates, 11-0.

They won the championship game June 14 against the Brewers, 11-1, in the fourth inning.

The team was coached by Michael Lombardi, William Minick, and former Cardinals Matthew Lombardi, Ryan Lombardi and Hunter Rhode. Michael Lombardi has coached the team for nine seasons.

The players, ages 10-12, were sixth-graders AJ Accavallo, Shane Goodrich, Nicholas Koster, Gavin Lisbona, Logan Lombardi, Ray Obidzienski and Daniel Rosner; fifth-graders Will Minick and Greyson Rutkowski; fourth-grader Ian Montano; and third-grader Remington Burke.