Coach: Golfers make strides this season

WEST MILFORD. Girls team finishes with an overall record of 5-8.

| 22 May 2024 | 09:28

Looking back at West Milford High School girls golf team’s recent season, head coach Justin Runne recalls a match from the opening month of competition.

“The contest that stands out the most was our match against Ramsey on March 27,’’ he said. “It was a chilly March afternoon with rain in the forecast. The girls were less than thrilled to be there with the anticipation of having to slosh through the rain and play golf.

“About three holes in, it started to pour. One of our captains, Aubrey Fritz, played lights out and ended up shooting her personal best score of 43, which also broke the previous school record for the West Milford girls golf team.

“Her score alone was impressive, but considering the course conditions, it was extra-special. This helped lead us to our fourth victory of the season.’’

The team finished with an overall record of 5-8 and won its final match May 7 against Mahwah, 231-256.

Fritz and Shelby Durant, both seniors, were captains of the team this year.

“They always set a good example for their teammates both on the course and in the classroom,” Runne said.

All the players improved their skills during the season, he noted.

“From our most seasoned veterans to the girls who picked up a golf club for the first time in March, everyone on the team has made strides this season.

“In terms of scoring, golf is a game of ebb and flow. Some days you play great and some days you wish you stayed home. However, improvement is not only measured by score. All girls improved their fundamental skills, situational awareness and mental toughness in the face of adversity.”

The Highlanders are looking forward to the 2025 season.

“We have two promising juniors returning and some underclassmen who gained valuable experience this season,’’ the coach said. “I’m looking forward to seeing them grow and contribute to the team next season.’’

From our most seasoned veterans to the girls who picked up a golf club for the first time in March, everyone on the team has made strides this season.”
- Justin Runne, head girls golf coach,
West Milford High School