The West Milford Minors Division champions are the Scrappers! This group of 9 to 11 year olds, finished the season with an impressive 12-4 record after winning two playoff games and then the championship game. They battled the Blue Claws in the championship game, winning in the last inning by just one run. That was the pattern this year with these two teams. They met twice in the regular season and the Scrappers won both games - each by just one run. It made for a great championship finale for the season. Pictured here are the champion Scrappers. Front row, from left, Jonathan Kenny, Dillon Van Duyne, Patrick Babbitt, Anthony Minadeo, Chris Nicoletti and Richie Latour. Middle row, Kyle Kolatac, Hunter Ziegler, Angelo Locantore, Philip Strina and Jason Tiscornia. Back row are the coaches: Terry Kenny, Angelo Locantore, Mark Minadeo, Kevin Babbitt and Bob Kolatac. Great job Scrappers!