WEST MILFORD-Two members of Boy Scout Troop 44 were honored as Eagle Scouts in a dual presentation Sunday. Darrel O'Dell and Evan Gloede received their awards in a ceremony that celebrated their achievements. In addition to learning Scoutcraft skills as young boys and later teaching them to new scouts, Eagle Scout candidates are expected to make a significant contribution to their community by planning and directing the execution of a service project. O'Dell drew on his interest in hiking and camping to devise a project in Norvin Green State Park. He devised trail signs to mark intersections in the trail system of the park. He organized work crews and supervised them in installing the markers, which provide information to hikers. Gloede, active in the youth group at Holy Faith Lutheran Church, planned and directed the creation of a clearly defined entrance pathway to the rustic outdoor chapel on the church grounds. This project facilitates access to the chapel by elderly and handicapped parishioners and eliminates trespassing via recreational vehicles. Darrel is the son of Peter and Jackie O'Dell. Evan, whose grandfather and uncle are also Eagle Scouts, is the son of Thomas and Anne Gloede. Troop 44 is chartered to the West Milford Presbyterian Church. It has been serving boys in the greater West Milford community for over 50 consecutive years