Wallisch Homestead gears up for a busy outdoor season
West Milford. The annual Barn Sale is scheduled for April 16-18; the Art Show dates are May 21-23.

With warmer weather on the way and after being held up indoors for the better part of the last year, the Events Committee at Wallisch Homestead is planning to be ready as the go-to place for some fresh air while socially distancing.
After having lost almost the entire season last year, planning is full steam ahead while taking pandemic precautions. They are planning some new outdoor events this year to take advantage of their wide-open spaces.
Barn sale April 16-18
The season will kick off with the annual Barn Sale April 16-18. Early admittance for members only will be on Friday evening and Saturday morning. For membership information email wallischmembership@gmail.com.
Coinciding with the Barn Sale is an Eagle Scout dedication. Scout Luke Homes planned, raised funds and lead a volunteer team to construct a series of bog bridges to help hikers traverse lower portion of the 100-acre trail system.
Art Show: May 21-23
The annual Art Show will be held May 21-23 this year with special precautions due to the pandemic. Indoor occupancy will be limited, masks must be worn and sanitizer will be available.
Wednesdays at Wallisch events will be held this year, weather permitting, outdoors. Check the website for event details.
Rain outs should be a thing of the past
The new barn floor will provide an alternative location ensuring social distancing should inclement weather rear its ugly head. Rain out days should be a thing of the past. Space will be limited if occupancy restrictions are in place so first come first served will be the M-O.
Music Festival: Sept. 18
The Wallisch Music Festival will be making a return Sept. 18 (rain date 19) this year. Currently five acts are lined up and the team is looking for additional food and craft vendors this year to support the expected crowd.
As an added attraction the first Wallisch Car Show will make a test appearance and the Events Committee believes this will be a stand-alone annual event moving forward.
Local car clubs are encouraged to contact Events Chair John Hefferon.
West Milford Corn Hole Tournament
Closing out the season, the first annual West Milford Corn Hole Tournament will be held in the fall. Food, crafts, music and a tournament for the bragging rights of the Highlands will put an asterisk to the comeback year after the Year that Never Happened.
Watch the website for more information ad contestant sign-ups.
“We are back and coming back strong,” the Wallisch Events Team said in its press release detailing the activities.
For information on all events, please visit their website or contact Events Chair John Hefferon at johnheff01@gmail.com or any FOWH board member.