I read the letter from Rev. Dr. Mark Grawehr and was at first bewildered about what he was complaining about. It took me a moment to realize that he was not complaining about people who abuse other people, pollute the environment or break the law. Rather he was complaining about our gay/lesbian neighbors who, within a loving relationship, raise and provide for a family, pay their taxes, contribute to the community, and like many of us, are exhausted at the end of the day. He complained that an article that shows gay/lesbian families to be normal is bad because it suggests that they are like the rest of us. They are. The reality is that when two committed people care for their family and their community, both the community and the country are better off. If there is indeed a decline in America as he argues, it is because of intolerance of our fellow Americans and not because of whom someone chooses to love and lives with. Gary Oppenheimer Newfoundland