In response to Mayor Bieri's letter to the editor "Mayor ecstatic, relieved with MUA resignations" posted in the West Milford Messenger dated Feb. 24, 2012, I would like to take the opportunity to set the record straight on my own behalf as one of the ex-MUA commissioners.
During my 8-month tenure on the West Milford Municipal Utilities Authority (WMMUA) commission, I learned of a deteriorating wastewater treatment and drinking water system that has been neglected for the past several decades. As stated in my resignation letter, I professed that,based on the current revenue stream from approximately 1700 users, I recognize the difficulty that the WMMUA has in sustaining the operations, maintenance, and necessary capital improvements without undue hardship to the ratepayers. To that end, I have concluded that additional staffing resources and funding are necessary from township, state, and federal levels of government to meet the requirements of providing wastewater treatment and drinking water systems to West Milford residents consistent with WMMUA's mission statement. Unfortunately, the Messenger did not report what I thought to be a professional, well-conceived recommendation but focused on the politics that continue to taint the WMMUA.
As I stressed to my fellow commissioners from the beginning of my tenure, until the mayor and council embrace the MUA and become a part of the solution, the operation, maintenance, and upgrade of the systems will be limited based on a finite revenue stream from its users.
As a current user, I have high regard for the customer base of the WMMUA. Where my regard is lacking is with the current mayor who professes commitment to the WMMUA users all while contributing nothing to what we all know to be an ailing municipality. I wish the best to Ms. Hardy and Mr. Monico with their recent appointment to the WMMUA.
David L. Hiester West Milford