I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who came to support the rummage sale benefitting Relay For Life. Without the support of the community this event would not have been such a huge success. Big thanks to Reverend Janet and the West Milford Presbyterian Church for allowing me to host this event at their Parish Hall, the Hoffman family, the Defedy family, the West Milford Computer Discount Center for the use of their property to advertise, and Joan Hopper for her help in reaching through the social media. A big thank you to Michael Chiovaro, Kyle Panariello, and Terri-Lynn Catanzaro for their assistance on the day of the event.
Finally I would like to thank my parents, Michael and Christine Chiovaro. Throughout this entire fundraiser they have driven me to pick up donations, transport signs, and pack and clean merchandise. If it were not for these giving people, this event would not have raised over $2,400!
I believe that one day cancer will only be a memory of our past and our community is making it happen through Relay For Life of the Highlands NJ.
Celebrate. Remember. Fight back.
Thank you all. Megan Chiovaro West Milford