I’m writing to tell everyone about a great man named Frank Pallotta who is running for Josh Gottheimer’s seat as a Republican.
I have been trying to get help for pain management for my wife who is 58 in a wheelchair and has a lot of serious health issues because she doesn’t fit the new opiate free business model prescribed by the DEA where doctors pick their patients. At least six doctors have slammed the door in her face. I contacted Gottheimer six times, I called Gov. Murphy and many many others. and they all gave her the brush.
Then I contacted Frank Pallotta and he not only called me back but dropping his busy schedule came to my house and met my wife. Imagine a politician who cares about someone else other then his campaign. Frank got nothing out of this but two votes unfortunately.
Frank doesn’t have connections to the corrupted deep state like Gottheimer, who could have helped me get to someone who could have helped but that’s a good thing for Frank because he’s untouched like Gottheimer who’s just a Pelosi yes man so I’m asking all good men and women to give Frank a chance this November. Thank you and God bless you all.
William E. Smith III