Malikqua Burton, a Newburgh nurse, at the Viola Rod and Gun Club in Hyde Park, NY. She has been waiting nearly two years for a handgun permit to protect herself on her late-night commute to work at a hospital trauma unit. ( Photo by Damon Finch) Would-be gun owners chafe at long waits and red tape Malikqua Burton’s pistol sits in a lockbox at Master Class Shooters Supply in Monroe, NY, until the moment she can legally... Local News 13 Oct 2022 | 01:06
Hysteria over gun control The Viewpoints section of the June 23-29, 2022, edition contained a letter regarding “School shootings: weapons of mass destruction.”... Letters to the Editor 28 Jun 2022 | 11:49
Gov. Phil Murphy has proposed gun control measures that would mandate safety courses in order to get a gun permit, require lockboxes for out-of-use firearms and change state law to hold firearm makers liable for harm stemming from gun use among other changes. Photo illustration by Max Kleinen on Unsplash. Murphy proposes new ambitious gun control, safety measures New Jersey would mandate safety courses in order to get a gun permit, require lockboxes for out-of-use firearms and change... Police & Fire 22 Apr 2021 | 08:49
Why is America so reluctant to ban automatic weapons? Are we there yet? Did the two recent mass shootings involving automatic weapons in two American cities hours apart, which... Letters to the Editor 10 Aug 2019 | 06:36