Montgomery has changed since the million-square-footers went up, whether for better or worse depends whom you ask. (Photo by Nick Horton, Big-box country: Ground zero of the warehouse boom On a Tuesday afternoon in October, the spotless offices of medical supply juggernaut, Medline, are quiet but for the click-clack... Local News 19 Nov 2024 | 11:29
Frank advice regarding Sparta Council election I enjoy political clichés-such as “at the end of the day,” “we need to have an adult conversation about...,” and especially,... Letters to the Editor 23 Sep 2022 | 03:26
Not Long Ago Not long ago, in the land we fondly refer to as the Township of Sparta, where the sun would break through the September sky... Letters to the Editor 13 Sep 2022 | 01:24
Truck traffic beyond belief! As a longtime Sparta resident, I have thoughts about the proposed and approved mega warehouse distribution center to be built... Letters to the Editor 26 Jul 2022 | 12:15
Responsible Development The building of these mega warehouses in Sparta is a subject that has many people concerned. Beside the size, which is beyond... Letters to the Editor 05 Jul 2022 | 04:44
Sparta for Responsible Development I am writing to express my gratitude to the friends and neighbors that formed the non-profit, Sparta for Responsible Development.... Letters to the Editor 28 Jun 2022 | 12:07