Kittatinny High School girl’s lacrosse team. ( Michelle Paluzzi) Kittatinny girl’s lacrosse teamed with leaders off and on field With a formula that included team work, confidence and tenacity, the Kittatinny High School girl’s lacrosse program had a... Sports 27 Jun 2022 | 04:00
Across the board, this past season can be deemed a success for West Milford High School field hockey. At every level - freshman, junior varsity and varsity - the Highlanders earned meaningful victories that bode very well for the future of the team. The three squads had a combined record of 38 wins, 10 losses and two ties. Provided photos. Phenomenal, stellar, memorable Across the board, this past season can be deemed a success for West Milford High School field hockey. At every level - freshman,... Local News 11 Nov 2021 | 12:53