Racism in America If anyone is unaware of the current administrations attempts at stoking racial tensions to divide this country’s citizens,... Letters to the Editor 13 Sep 2022 | 01:28
‘This is my community, too’ Let me tell you about the day I had Wednesday, June 3, 2020. Between working from home, managing life during COVID-19 and... Letters to the Editor 18 Mar 2021 | 03:54
‘Misrepresentations’ I find it necessary to respond to a letter to the editor entitled “Their blood isn’t white or black but red” as it’s basic... Letters to the Editor 27 Jul 2020 | 12:04
‘Their blood isn’t white or black but red’ Since everyone is afraid of not being politically correct, I would like to express my problem with BLM, the organization,... Letters to the Editor 20 Jul 2020 | 08:19
‘If we destroy America ...’ After reading last week’s newspaper, I was saddened for the good people of Warwick, who have been made to feel like racists... Letters to the Editor 20 Jul 2020 | 11:29
An alternative view of sign symbolism Regarding the controversy of the Warwick Raymond Hose Company article in last week’s newspaper, I simply cannot fathom how... Letters to the Editor 20 Jul 2020 | 11:10
This sign that went up the week before July 4 at the firehouse on West Street felt like “a slap in the face” to residents of color. Photos by Daniel Mack. Residents see ‘coded racism’ in firehouse sign The week before Independence Day, a sign went up outside a fire station in Warwick that hung heavy with meaning layered between... Local News 09 Jul 2020 | 08:41
Nice to meet you, Sabrina Jennings Ms. Jennings, My name is Cindy Schmitzer. Resident of Sparta, N.J. White woman. Nice to meet you. I just wanted to tell you how... Letters to the Editor 29 Jun 2020 | 01:02
A photo from the June 6 Warwick Against Racism March. Photo by Tom Kates. ‘I experience it way more than I should’ Do you want to share your story or experience with us? Email: comm.engage@strausnews.com. In response to weeks of protests... Evergreen 12 Jun 2020 | 12:44